World of Anterra

Created by 81monkeys - World of Anterra

Influenced by classic and modern games, World of Anterra is an innovative, open world roleplaying game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Collector's Edition Box Art for Consoles and Kickstarter Fireside!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 08:16:35 AM

New Add-On and Kickstarter Fireside!

Hello wonderful backers! It’s been a few days since we shared an update. Sometimes we get so caught up in the messages and comments that we forget that not everyone reads the comment section or is on our Discord. We will be sharing updates more frequently going forward, starting with this one.

New Collector’s Physical Edition Box Art

We have recently posted the artwork for the collector’s physical edition (consoles only)! This is really exciting for us and a huge milestone. Thanks to all our backers for getting us to this stretch goal. If you are interested in adding the physical edition to your pledge, all you need to do is go to manage pledge, then change pledge, then select your current pledge. There, you will see the add-ons to choose from. We hope you like the art! As we said before, this box art will only be available for backers. This version will not be released after we launch.

New Developer Fireside - Kickstarter Update and AMA

As some of you may already know, we host regular developer firesides on Discord. We wanted to share this one with you as it’s specifically about our Kickstarter and touches on many things including our fulfillment strategy. We highly recommend you listen to it! And if you want to learn more about the game, you should check out our other Firesides available on our Discord.

Fireside -

Discord Fireside Recordings -

Not interested in the Fireside or the Physical Edition?
Here’s an annoyed skeleton!

almost 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 08:16:26 AM

We hit our third stretch goal!! Way to go everyone! Our Kickstarter has been far from normal. After the first few days, no one would have predicted that we’d be hitting our third stretch goal with almost two weeks left to go. What’s even more exciting is that most successful campaigns have their biggest days at the end. That doesn’t mean we will be watching from the sidelines though. We are going to be doubling down on this campaign and we invite you to join us. We have three more stretch goals to hit! 

The first thing that we will be doing is hiring a community manager to help us spread the word and engage with our community. This means more updates more often! As an added bonus, our new community manager is already a backer and active in our community. Don’t worry though, we’re not picking someone just because they gave us 50-bucks that said some nice things about our game. This person is qualified and has already made a tremendous difference in our community. To help get things started, they will be running some NPC naming contests for all of you. We have already done this once and it was a big success. So stay tuned to learn more and keep tweeting, posting and sharing the game!

I normally add some images to make these updates more interesting so...

Here's a random spider!

Oooh! And keep your eyes out for our Collector’s Edition cover art coming next week.

Physical Add-On is ready!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 08:16:19 AM

We have updated the Kickstarter with the new “Backer Only Collector’s Physical Edition” add-on for consoles. The physical copy add-on can be applied to any tier. Before you go looking for it, there are a few things to consider.

How much will it cost? The physical copy will only be available for a $50 add-on. We realize that this price is not cheap! The team worked really hard to keep the price down and we consulted with many partners, including other devs who have launched physical copies as part of their Kickstarter. If you really want a physical copy, but are unsure of the price, keep in mind that no one will stop you from selling your digital copy key.

What does “Collector’s Edition” mean? This is where things get interesting! You will be the only people in the world with these versions of the game. We had a very cool cover designed, but after talking with our community and hearing the level of interest and excitement for a physical, we decided to take it to another level… which leads to the next question.

Where’s the artwork? We are currently in the process of creating a completely new hand-illustrated cover that is both retro-inspired and lore based…  This cover will not be released anywhere else, so this is your only chance to get it! Because of the extra effort being put into the box art, we will not be ready to reveal it until next week. You are welcome to either wait until the art is revealed, or add it to your pledge now. You will always be able to change your pledges before the end of the campaign.

Thanks for reading this and for being part of our community!

Stretch goal #2!!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 08:15:52 AM

Thank you all for continuing to share the game! We see all your posts, retweets and comments. ❤️

Stretch goal number two is a free add-on for all backers! With this goal we will be giving away a house-made, D&D short adventure set in the World of Anterra. Not a D&D player? No worries, this can be enjoyed as a short story as well. We have most of it written so it shouldn’t take too long to complete.

Also, remember that backer credit screen you helped unlock and then helped add music to? We’re turning it into a mini-game! Wait!! Before you panic that it’ll delay the game (MD 😜), don’t worry! We’ve made tons of mini-games and this one will be a breath of fresh air for the team. It’s important to let the team work on cool side stuff from time-to-time. It re-energizes us which makes us more productive! What can you expect? We’ll release a little video this week with some footage of our other unreleased mini-games.

Thanks everyone! We love you all. ❤️🎉

Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked!! 🎉🥳
about 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 04:10:29 PM

Stretch Goal #1 Unlocks.

Backer-only collector’s edition physical copy, World of Anterra Swag discount code, bonus backer music track!

We have hit our first official stretch goal! The team has gone back and forth on this one. We have all the goals designed and ready to go, but that was before you came and showed us what we were really creating. WoA is becoming more than a game, it’s becoming a community! And we want to continue to bring as much value to our community as we can. We realize that many backers are interested in collectables, specifically physical copies of games. We felt that we needed to make our physical copy extra special, so we’re going to take a bit more time getting it ready. We plan to release it very soon, so stay tuned! We’re creating a new tier for you to switch to if you wish, or you can add it on to any pledge level.

Wait, there’s more!

We realize that not everyone is interested in getting a collector’s edition copy of the game, so we’re also designing some really cool swag. The swag will include items such as mouse pads, t-shirts and hoodies. And as an added reward for our early backers we will be sending out a discount code for everyone who has backed the game before we hit this goal. We will give a small grace period so anyone who backs the game before the end of day Monday PT, September 5th (before Tuesday 12AM PT) will get the code. We will send out the discount codes, designs and product list very soon!

… oh and remember that credit screen you helped us unlock? Sam is going to compose a special thank you track that will play on the backer credit screen. You guys rock! Thanks again for being part of our community.

Also, the team is at PAX and the one laptop we brought is no longer working (long story). It may take us a day or two to get the new rewards up!