World of Anterra

Created by 81monkeys - World of Anterra

Influenced by classic and modern games, World of Anterra is an innovative, open world roleplaying game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Funding Goal Hit!! 🎉🙌
about 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 10:36:01 PM

We hit our funding goal!! 

This has been a true community effort. Thank you for believing in us -  we are so excited to see WoA come to life and you’ve helped to make that possible. We aren’t at the finish line yet though. There are still stretch goals to hit!! We hope you like the first unlock - it’s the least we can do to show our appreciation. New stretch goals will be announced as soon as they unlock. And with your support we will be able to unlock them all!

Hitting our goal!

First stretch goal unlocked!

We're making a special in-game credits screen for all our backers! This will apply to all reward tiers, so your name will be forever immortalized in WoA. The screen will be accessed from the options menu and feature some of our art team’s awesome art and animations. We want this to be one of the best backer credit screens ever made!

We also moved the stretch goals to the top of our Kickstarter page, so it’s easier to find!

Thank you for joining us on this crazy ride. The wonders we will see together…

We hit 50%!!
about 2 years ago – Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 10:18:42 PM

50% LET'S GO!!! This is a huge accomplishment! Thank you to all our backers! You are helping to make World of Anterra a reality. 

Hitting 50%

We have been getting some great press coverage of late which certainly helped the stellar day we had. We know of at least 5 articles that came out just today alone! If you have any journalists or outlets that you would like to see cover our game go and hit them up. We need to keep pushing hard as we close in on our goal.

Also, if you've been thinking of sharing this game with your friends, this link a great way to do it.

Some quotes from the article. 

"This gorgeous indie looks like SNES Skyrim..."

"...I'll be frank with you: I want to live in this game."

"The hand-crafted pixel art visuals look like a blend of classic RPGs like Breath of Fire and Trials of Mana and old-school farming sims like Harvest Moon. It might just be me, but watching the trailer for World of Anterra also gives me a pang of nostalgia that reminds me of exploring the seemingly limitless world of Ultima Online."

For those of you who have backed us early, you may notice that we have made some changes to our Kickstarter page based on your feedback. Specifically, make sure you check out our new rewards section near the bottom of our page.

Captain's Pack Art

If you'd like to learn more about our progress and plans, go and check out our Fireside tomorrow at 11AM PT. 

Discord Fireside

You can use this link to join our Discord. Hope to see you there!

Update #1 - We're off to an amazing start!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 12:25:38 PM

First of all WOW!! Thank you for all the wonderful and supportive messages! And a special thank you to everyone who is sharing our game with their friends and communities and helping us spread the word. You guys are the best!

We would like to let you know that the reward tiers have been updated to remove the shipping cost. This should have been set to $0 as shipping is included in the  physical goods add-on. For those who have purchased earlier tiers with the $10 shipping cost, we will reach out shortly with re-imbursement instructions. 
